a lack of oxygen | Teen Ink

a lack of oxygen

January 23, 2015
By hlmnewcomer PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
hlmnewcomer PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
33 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"for life is not a paragraph, and death, i think, is no parenthesis"

his eyes weren’t anything
special; but i actually like
brown eyes and i thought
his were beautiful. and for
the longest time his hair was
down to his shoulders, covering
his eyes

and he shaved his head
that summer
but his hair slowly grew back.
when it got long enough it was
shaggy and had curls at the
very ends

i remember he held my
hand for the first time;
he asked- i said yes-
and when we touched
i felt a spark;
my heart started beating
and it never stopped

but his did.

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