Circling | Teen Ink


January 26, 2015
By messenger116 SILVER, Hemet, California
messenger116 SILVER, Hemet, California
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The road less traveled is hard to walk.

Round and round,

And round and round,

Endlessly circling the light

Amidst the dark,
So close, yet so far
In constant pain, knowing
The closer I get,
The further away I am,
Each step forward
Feels like another one back,
I strive for the light
While watching it fade,
But I can't give up,
I've tasted the warmth
Of the light on my face
And I cannot let go,
Not after feeling it,
Pure contentment,
True happiness,
Floating above the clouds,
As time goes on however,
It's harder to remember
Why I continue the struggle,
And just as I give in,
And give up,
Something comes along,
And reminds me of my purpose,
Thus I journey on,
Even if I cannot see it,
I can feel myself getting closer,
And it gives me hope,
Hope that strengthens me
Against all despair and
The urge to quit

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