I'm Over It | Teen Ink

I'm Over It

February 3, 2015
By Mhyver1206 SILVER, Mandeville, Louisiana
Mhyver1206 SILVER, Mandeville, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
- Emerson

Leave and PLEASE never
LOOK at me again. Turn your
BACK and ignore me. Always in my line of view
As I begged you to PLEASE speak to me.
You did not LET ME have that satisfaction.
Now I KNOW I WAS just emotional.
Now it is just SOMETHING in my past.
Locked away never to be heard of again.
I’m over it.

The author's comments:

it's a 2-in-1 poem

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