What Are You? | Teen Ink

What Are You?

February 5, 2015
By ignoreddaisy SILVER, New City, New York
ignoreddaisy SILVER, New City, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Even if they don't look different, both the sea and the sky change. And so do we."-Makoto Tachibana

What are you?
You’re not just a human.
You’re more than that.
You can do magic,
not like ‘pull a bunny out your hat’ kind of magic.
Magic that makes you radiate light.
You may not see it, but your light makes people go blind.

What are you?
You not only do magic,
but you make mysterious potions.
Inside you is a little crafty witch,
currently mixing concoctions in their cauldron.
And when girls are near they like to fly on their broom
and toss their potions at their eyes,
so all they see is you,
and nothing else.

What are you?
You’re not only a secret witch,
but you’re also an arsonist.
You can control fire in your eyes.
All you have to do is just look at someone,
and that’s how it starts.
Your flames spark their eyes,
and it flows through their veins,
eventually setting their heart into flames.

What are you?
You’re not only an arsonist,
but you also drive people insane.
Just a few words from you,
or maybe just a little taste,
or maybe even a glance at you,
and you’re already in their minds.
You consume their brain,
making you all they think about.

How would I know?
Personal experience.

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