Pay it Forward | Teen Ink

Pay it Forward

February 6, 2015
By JamesBIII BRONZE, Port Aransas, Texas
JamesBIII BRONZE, Port Aransas, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So avoid using the word 'very' because it's lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Language was invented for one reason boys: Too woo women." -- Robin Williams "Dead Poets Society"

A dollar thirty-five,
transformed my life.
A change as clear,
as day into night.
A transformation,
of much importance,
A change worthy of,
an angelic chorus.
A change that began a tree,
and grew into a forest.
A change that twisted my heart,
like Cupid the Contortionist.
Only through philanthropy,
can humanity unihibidily flourish.
I did it for her,
she did it for me.
I showed her chivalry,
she bought me coffee.
The lesson she taught me,
was to give periodically.
A lesson that always rewarded,
more than it costed me.
Amid first world monotony,
as I speculate poverty,
above all she taught me;

Kindness is not,
to be ignored.
If it’s shown to you,
pay it forward.

The author's comments:

An elderly lady inspired me to make a concious effort to improve the lives of others after buying me coffee for being, "one of the few remaining gentleman left."

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