The Barn Is Where I Am From | Teen Ink

The Barn Is Where I Am From

February 6, 2015
By trayton tepedelen BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
trayton tepedelen BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from where my father is my hero,
from a place that does not limit me,
from a place with lake nearby,
and where trees surround me.

I am from fresh beans that stay ripe all summer,
from peaches that don’t stay on the tree,
from cobbler and jam,
and sweet carrots.

I am from small brown bears running across my bed,
from bed time and lullabies,
from the stars that are in the endless night sky,
and an animal that stands guard all night.

I am from the hate of spiders and love of snakes,
from “no” and “have fun”,
I always have a twin that follows me around,
we smile and play but sometimes frown.  

That is my story,
and the question goes to you,
what is your story,
I want to see it through.

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