Paths | Teen Ink


February 9, 2015
By _Mr_Germany_ BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
_Mr_Germany_ BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Forgive the unforgivable to make the unforgettable."

The two paths symbolize our lives in unique ways we don’t understand
Whether we choose left or right, forward or backwards,
The answer that lies before us has never become this clear.
Not only is this about your beliefs in the life and death cycle,
But it is about what you think is right or what you believe is wrong.
We have been given multiple paths,
But only you can decide which side that you can take,
But only He can let that decision be proven to be correct. 
Do you go left or right?
Do you go backwards or forwards?
Find the way through this barricade that never ends.

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