She Will Survive | Teen Ink

She Will Survive

February 16, 2015
By ShatteringDerp SILVER, Fulton, Texas
ShatteringDerp SILVER, Fulton, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's absolutely no one in the world that can tell you can't do something. You're the only person that can set that limitation." -Andrew Dennis Biersack

She is a girl.

A girl that has seen worst.

A  girl who has grown up

with no mom or dad.


She is a girl.

A girl who loves her friends.

A girl who loves her family.

She is loved.


She is a girl.

A girl that I know.

A girl who knows my

worst nightmares.


She is a girl.

A girl that can be fragile.

A girl that will break at

the hint of great sadness.


She is a girl.

A girl who cherish life.

A girl that wants to live.

Afterall, she will survive.

The author's comments:

This particular piece is about a friend of mine who had experienced a lot of stress and unfortunate events. In fact, I wrote this poem while she was under great depression and was telling me that she wanted to end her life. I believed I had shared this with her and now, I am sharing this poem to those who are probably in a similar situation she was once in.

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