Ode to the Shako | Teen Ink

Ode to the Shako

February 18, 2015
By ElvenBard BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
ElvenBard BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's hot.
I sweat.
It's cold.
I sweat.
Sweat in my eyes-
The salt stings.
Sweat in my mouth-
Tastes of pretzel water.
Sweat in my hair-
Hair spray is redundant.
Shako too big-
Drum major where?
Skako too small-
Need ibuprofen for hours.
Shako to the left-
How silly I look!
Shako to the right-
Eternally tilted head.
Fluffy feather
to crown my head.
Heavy does it feel.
Shako, how you distress me!
Yet no place would I rather you be.

The author's comments:

An ode to the funny-looking hats that marching band kids wear.

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