Survivor | Teen Ink


February 14, 2015
By J_seals BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
J_seals BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You were given a life because you are strong enough to live it." -Unknown

Every time I think of you my mind starts to decay
You’re killing me slowly
Twisting the knife in which you inflict me with
When I’m lowered into the ground and erased from existence will you then repent?
Will you say the magic words?
“I’m sorry.”

I remember a time when I loved you
My heart swelled with hope until it burst
And it burst hard
Erupted like a dormant volcano that has come alive once again
My affection towards you was ripped away
I uncovered who you really were
Who you still are…
A monster
A monster complete with an appetite for power

Your heart must be full of loathing and hate
You’re incapable of seeing the pain you have caused
But with pain comes strength
And strong is what I am
I am nothing like you
I am the heroine that slays the monster

I am the survivor

The author's comments:

My estranged relationship with my father inspired this piece. I hope people will get a sense of optimism from my poem. The actions of your family do not define you nor should they bring you down to a point of halting your life because you must cope with their wrong doings.

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