Staring at the World | Teen Ink

Staring at the World

February 14, 2015
By gympenguin GOLD, Park City, Utah
gympenguin GOLD, Park City, Utah
12 articles 2 photos 0 comments

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She decided to free herself, dance into the wind, create a new language. And birds fluttered around her writing "yes" into the sky.

I stared at the window

I stared at the trees

I stared at the sky

I stared at the world


It was staring back at me

The sky staring back at me

the trees staring back at me

the window staring back at me


I stared back at the window

I stared back at the trees

I stared back at the sky

I stared back at the world


And it stared back at me

I stared back at it

This continude

It staring at me

Me staring at it


I had nothing to do

It had everything

Why did it even bother with me

I was of no importance


But as I sat there

Staring at the window

Staring at the trees

Staring at the sky

Staring at the world

I realized I was important to one thing


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