The Seven Deadly SIns: Wrath | Teen Ink

The Seven Deadly SIns: Wrath

February 15, 2015
By BambaForPresident BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
BambaForPresident BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh how much Wrath wishes It could kill you

It hates you with all Its soul

  It hopes to watch your face turn blue

   Wrath’s heart the color of burnt charcoal

    A harsh word stirs up Its rage and hate

     It is inside of us all, waiting for all eternity

      Its anger opens up like a red floodgate

       The hate will build until it spills in actions of insanity

        It craves ultraviolence and sadistic nature

         You will scream and claw when it’s present

         Your moral will turn into black vapor

          Wrath will make you feel like you’re living in endless torment

           It feeds on the happiness and hope inside you

            Wrath varies from person to person

              Some keep Wrath locked up tight

                And some feed the wrath like fire in an arson

                And some just try to fight

                  Your life is up for theft

                    When Wrath has you in Its cage

                      Killing and killing till there’s nothing left

                        Nothing left but Its rage

                           Nothing left but the wrath

                            You'll be dismembered alive in hell for your crimes

                               For thou not know that anger is a sin

                                God will disown you for not holding back your anger at times

                                   You will make sure to pray when you see the devils grin.

The author's comments:

I love religion and the idea of it and the specifc tale of seven deadly sins peaks my intrest which is why i decided to write a poem concerning it.

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