Six Words | Teen Ink

Six Words

February 20, 2015
By Heyoooooooo PLATINUM, Ormond Beach, Florida
Heyoooooooo PLATINUM, Ormond Beach, Florida
44 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He jumped, only to feel regret.
Dashing, handsome, magnificent, rotten, malicious, man.
You can’t survive it; just run.
The world went silent; children cried.
A notice to all residents; run.
The tortoise won; rabbit never found.
Warmth. Passion. Regret. Bitter cold. Reconciliation.
She wrote, knowing none would read.
That was not chicken last night.
Once upon a time; that’s all.
Her world, his world, no world.
Time again. And again. And again.
Don’t leave, for I shall rot.
And for the final time, loneliness.
One alone, one lost, one forgotten.

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