Surfaces | Teen Ink


March 2, 2015
By Audrey Taber BRONZE, Everett, Washington
Audrey Taber BRONZE, Everett, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People look sideways at each other.
They sneak judgements,
Always analyzing what isn’t important,
Focusing on the surface layer,
Rather than the potential of the layers that lie beneath.


Surfaces can be bland,
Surfaces can be boring,
Surfaces can be insignificant.


But surfaces can be lies.


What is the use of these surfaces?
There is none.


They are the garish wrapping of a Christmas present,
And no one treasures the wrapping,
They treasure what is contains,
What it prevents the eye from seeing,

Until it is torn away.


Looking in the mirror, What do we see?


Reflections foggy with condensation,
Something is lost in translation,
No matter how hard we strain our eyes,
Our true forms are not revealed.


Looking in the mirror, what should we see?


Crystal clear image,
Raw skin,
True skin.
There is no doubt about the face staring back.


Wipe away the condensation,
Tear away the wrapping paper,
Abandon what does not matter.


See your face honestly,
Love others openly,
Do not be ashamed,
But be proud of a life worth living.


Be rid of excess worry,
Be rid of excess pain,
Be rid of constraints.


And be free.

The author's comments:

When asked, what would you give up to live a simpler life? I chose to think not about a physical thing that I could relinquish to live simpler, but about a common action of society that I believe would make for a simpler life if I people discarded it from their daily routines. Today, many people feel compelled to look at the superficial sides of things like what people wear, or what type of body they have, and this prevents them from getting to know people for who they truly are. Furthermore, people spend a disproportionate amount of time focusing on their outward appearances which in essence, do not matter; it is what is on the inside that matters because thoughts and actions are what will leave an impact on others and the world at large. So, to be able to live a simpler life, a life without the frivolous ways which people regard each other and themselves, I propose to live without judgement based on appearance.

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