Getting through | Teen Ink

Getting through

March 2, 2015
By SarahManganiello GOLD, Buffalo, New York
SarahManganiello GOLD, Buffalo, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trust is a very difficult

thing to receive

But it is even harder

when you've been decieved


Silence just seems to be

the easiest option

And just let people

give you a caption


Many people go through

the struggle to stay

When all others do

is play


Being sad but having

to hide

It's difficult to always

keep it inside


The breakdown is endless

with the tears that roll

They don't stop digging

an even bigger hole


Paralyzed with the silence

but always showing kindness

Being beaten to the ground

always trying to drown the sound


Can only take it one more time

before its not worth it

But having to stay strong for faces

who are blinded by it


Others can't understand

because they can't see

You keep it inside to keep them

blinded from what you could be


Scared and trembling at the

anxiety to please

You need to wake up before it becomes

something that takes you over like a disease


Breathing but still suffocating

Being crushed but still breathing


My eyes are covered

to be blinded

Being taught not

to see what mattered


Been put on a leash

to only be able to go so far

Being held back to not see

the potential to set the bar


Screaming so loud to

be heard but being ignored.

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