Before We Go | Teen Ink

Before We Go

March 8, 2015
By Allison_Rise GOLD, Lexington, Ohio
Allison_Rise GOLD, Lexington, Ohio
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
Coveted her and me." -Edgar Allan Poe

Wait for me before you go.
Before you elect to give up on this helpless youth, stand by.
I've missed your beckons; I've turned away from such strong affections.
Have mercy on late love’s blindness.
I may be senseless; I may be deaf to such a passion as ours.
However, that embrace does not elude my mind.
Your warmth forever lives in my skin.
Sweet melodies dance through my soul, accompanied by the images of you.
Apprehension and cowardice clasp my ankles and plant themselves strongly in the ground.
Cast them away! and take me when you fly.

Wait for me before you go.
Before your face nears any closer to mine, tarry.
I am unable to recall how I got here, or how this came to be.
When did you lay over and slay me with those eyes?
My heart has silenced its incessant beating as to not disturb the moment.
Your touch lacked the assertive advance I’ve fled from times before.
An ardent kiss bestowed upon my lips claimed a pulse in love’s spirit.
Blush arose to the surface of crackleware cheeks, declaring this dying peony a newly budded rose.
I can apperceive your flattering timidness, hoping mine is ephemeral.

I’m waiting for you before I go.
Before I convey these important words, notice me.
Let me drink the caffeine that keeps the wolves stirring in frigid winter.
Let me absorb the emotions that keep the hearts fluttering in the souls of the damned.
Let me smell the comforts that keep me calm during the storm.

We two are waiting.
Perspiration adorns us as that of dew on grass in the night.
Our breathing is of thalassophobics being thrust into the salty sea.
I’m afraid.
I carry the impression you are as well.
A bead of liquid sprinkles from your forehead onto my bare chest.
Reaching up, I pull you to me; a quick pinprick like pain rushes through my person.
A sigh of passion escapes tightened lungs, your breath then floods my neck.
We screamed out love, breathing solace into compliant lungs.

You’re waiting for me before you go.
You believe me to be sad without the words leaving this pensive mouth.
You will be miles from me, and I from you.
What will life seem to be without one another daily?
How I will yearn for the laugh that echoes through the crevices of the world.
Until we meet again when our time in exile is through,
Remember me as I remember you.

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