Coffee Date | Teen Ink

Coffee Date

March 12, 2015
By Olivia Zinzi BRONZE, Bedford Hills, New York
Olivia Zinzi BRONZE, Bedford Hills, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He blabs on and on, and
she nods in agreement
and laughs even when what he’s saying isn’t funny.
This is one of many dates.
There is an emptiness on her left ring finger waiting to be filled.

Her vanilla latte stands untouched and cold.
She is wrapped up in his eyes, floating in her own bubble.
He reaches across the couch and wraps
his arm around her shoulder.
Her smile shines as sweeping as a sunset.
She curls her head into his neck.
It fits as perfect as the missing puzzle piece in an a 100 piece Jigsaw.

Then his phone jingles and up he jumps,
scurrying to the restroom, smartphone in hand.
Her mouth drops and eyes widen, dreading his temporary departure, she sighs.
When he finally returns, next to each other they sit.
In a silence quieter than two snowflakes, they slowly drift apart.
She aimlessly stares into the abyss of a blank screen, every so often stealing glances at him.
She is desperately hoping there’s a way to bridge the
ever growing gap that now exists in between them.

The author's comments:

The poem is about two complete strangers I observed at a local coffee shop, however the main focus is on the girl in the relationship. As I sat there observing them, what stood out was their relationship and how I saw them evolve and get more comfortable with each other within a two hour time frame. It was incredible to see their relationship develop and then decline due to technology, before my very eyes.

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This article has 0 comments.

dlr69 said...
on Mar. 15 2015 at 7:06 pm
This was very well written. I felt like I was in the coffee shop watching the couple interact. Very descriptive.

M853 said...
on Mar. 15 2015 at 1:17 am
Really well done! Excellent use of vocabulary