Broken Things Hidden | Teen Ink

Broken Things Hidden

March 13, 2015
By iCloudkiller SILVER, Los Angeles, California
iCloudkiller SILVER, Los Angeles, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Not all that hungers should be fed, and not all thirsts should be quenched.

I promised you success and failed to have such issue addressed
Thus now I offer you death or meth and you choose the latter, perhaps believing it doesn't matter
Your eyes betray the dying spark of a golden dream, I assume one clutched tightly so as not to tear the illusion's seams
You have kept your grace and forgotten not your pride, and you have mastered the art to hide--
Hide your broken heart, hide your worthless art, hide your shattered mind, hide your front and take guard behind, hide your depression, hide your lesions, hide the secrets and the sins, hide the cigarettes and the gin, hide the fear and hide the tears, hide the shame and hide the red stains, hide the crystal rocks and the oil burner, hide the gore and hide your inner war, hide and don't you dare let them see-
That all your glory is from defeats

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