Morbid Art | Teen Ink

Morbid Art

March 20, 2015
By AshleaMae BRONZE, Eaton Rapids, Michigan
AshleaMae BRONZE, Eaton Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It ain't over till it's over" ~ Rocky Balboa

You can read my story on the lines,

but the lines not on paper.

I am a work of morbid art, 

and I am the morbid painter.

My brush isn't actually a brush

but more along the lines of a knife.

Those simple lines aren't just simple lines;

They're really cuts and scars.

These simple lines, cuts, and scars are 

My morbid story painted on my morbid body. 

The author's comments:

I have battled with self harm for 5 years now. Before I found that writing could help me control my emotions, I couldn't handle much of anything. If I got upset it was almost guarunteed I would self harm. My poetry and stories have made me realize that there is always a different way out from your emotions than self harm. 

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