I Bid You Ado | Teen Ink

I Bid You Ado

March 27, 2015
By Nicolena Weaver BRONZE, Cocoa Beach, Florida
Nicolena Weaver BRONZE, Cocoa Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Butterflies flying
Corpse dying
Till Death do us part
I bid you, ado
I’ve fallen for you
And thus into my grave
You are the main cause for my hearts dismay,
Your troubled soul and the games you play,
You had power, I let you in,
I thought you might change from the simpleton you have been
Wrong, I was proven
I cannot change others
Despite my attempt to smother
My feelings for you were unrequited
I fell into my eternal nightship
Butterflies flying
Corpse dying
Till Death do us part
I bid you, ado
My darling, you were such a wonderful tease,
Feel free to keep in touch if you please,
You carved a permanent path in my heart
You were to be the death of me from the start
Butterflies flying
Corpse dying
Till Death do us part
I bid you, ado

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