Bomb! | Teen Ink


March 27, 2015
By Sierra_Jade BRONZE, St.Louis, Missouri
Sierra_Jade BRONZE, St.Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

 One accuser, not believing the


Though the truth is what I'm telling.

She dosen't believe me.

This one accusation, 

is like a spark and flame to

the end of a bomb.

But the bomb,

is me.

The time is running out,

as she keeps accusing.

"Tick, Tick, Tick"


The bomb has exploded.

All the pent up anger is

then unleashed upon her. 


And in the End,

everyone is wounded.

The author's comments:

Writing is what helps me calm down, all my poems are based on true stories. I just hope people like them, and if not that's okay. 

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