The Tragic Summer | Teen Ink

The Tragic Summer

April 7, 2015
By Lroberson996 BRONZE, McCalla, Alabama
Lroberson996 BRONZE, McCalla, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was one summer i wanted to learn to swim,

my friend told me not to.

i did it anyway to get out my comfort zone.

when i hit the water and couldn't feel my feet i panicked,

i screamed and screamed for help.

until somebody came and saved me.

i feel like that was by far the worst summer of my life

i was trying to prove something that didn't turn out well.

you life comes first so never put yourself in harms way.

freak accidents happen evreyday.

if you can't do something then don't impress others.

if somthing happened to you then they wouldn't care.

summers are to enjoy not have accidents,

Evreytime i go near a pool i have flashbacks.

I would love to learn how to swim one day.

I just need to be around a lot of people.

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