To Live | Teen Ink

To Live

April 7, 2015
By Riverlikeawhale SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
Riverlikeawhale SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And we cried.

Sulfur tears melt our skin,
whip our hearts
cook our mind.

And we cried.

Till bones were carved of our flesh,
our feet turned dust and ash,
our eyes decayed and withered.

So we died.

while words shattered our love
while demons clawed at our souls,

We died.


Gone were our living bodies,
biting reality.
Gone were our eyes grown soulless with euthanasia
Gone were our souls, turned gimm.
But alive were our bodies.
We were alive.
Just killed.
by sadness.


And so I realized,
I COULD not die,
WOULD not die,
SHALL not die.
I loved.
I loved myself.

And my bones regrew,
my skin blossomed,
my eyes flourished.

Kissing my love,
my life,
my purity,
I bred the Sun.

I made my life.

The author's comments:

I used to be depressed, and this poem, in a way, describes my journy. The thing is, I hated myself. I hated my past. So once I realized I loved myself, I had an epiphany. I love my memories, I love my family, I love the earth, I love art, I love exercise, and I love my life, I came to realize, life is beautiful. Everyone deserves love. Even if we don't recognize its true grace and charm, if we give ourselves time and love, we will. 

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