Addiction | Teen Ink


April 23, 2015
By ImStillSilent GOLD, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
ImStillSilent GOLD, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is always a chance of failure. It just depends on how you look at it to see if you truly lost or won.

I’m addicted to you, but not as others
May see. They don’t understand my
Need for you.

You, who, has become my legal drug. Your
Colors have left stains on my hands. And
A large one on my heart.

Why should anyone else matter to me
When I have you by my side. I have you
Right where you need to be.

You shall always be by my side. Forevermore.
Like Poe’s Raven we shall put chills down
Someone’s spine. Together.

We need no one, but each other. We shall
Make a name for ourselves. One that will
Last for centuries.

I mean not to boast about you. I merely
Wish to speak the truth. You don’t realize
How much you mean to me.

I need you.

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