Montana Spring (From a Horse's Back) | Teen Ink

Montana Spring (From a Horse's Back)

April 22, 2015
By DawnStar BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
DawnStar BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The little red mare I ride is anxious to get going, to leave behind her normal, boring pasture life for a time. She dances down the lane between the pastures, and I can feel her energy, barely contained. My gelding neighs at me, not wanting to be left behind as the mare and I ride past his pasture. The green hay field stretches out before us, inviting us to go and explore. Yellow dandelions poke through the grass, cheery and happy looking. The mare's hooves thud softly against the red dirt of the path we ride on, as my body relaxes to her rythm, and I feel one with nature. The sun touches my face, almost hot, but not quite. I can see the stream now, a shimmer of blue across the south end of the field. Birds, unseen, chirp their songs happily, and my horses ears point forward with interest, looking for the hidden source of the noise. These few moments are perfect, happy and beautiful. But they can't last forever. Normal life awaits us, troubles and challenges are surely not far away. But more times like these, brief though they are, are always there, to be brighten up our life and make our hearts glad.

The author's comments:

I was told to write a poem from a creative outdoors spot, so I chose to write from the back of a horse. I personally think the view from a horse's back is more inspiring than any other!

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