The Opener | Teen Ink

The Opener

April 24, 2015
By mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i like turtles

Wake up wake up says
my dad.The time has come to go out and kill
a big buck.
It is deer hunting opener.

I think to myself that all the hard work
preparing for this day will sure pay off.
Hard work such as
planting food plots and building deer stands.

Pictures hang in my room of
bucks from on my trail camera.
Hmmmmmmm I think…….
which one of these bucks head
will hang above my bed?
I look at the great buck of all the bucks of the land.
I look and think to myself,
he’s alive and well in this photo,

though I doubt he will thrive after this hunt.
I snap out of my bed and
cloths come on, layer after layer in this cold november

Guns, ammo, and food are packed
and ready for this trip.

The car is loaded with hunting necessities.
We are off to the promise
land. To the deer camp, my ranch.

As I climb out of the
car, excitement fills the air
as the slugs load into the ol’ 870.
Walking silently with little
noise, just a swiff crunch or crack as I
merge into the woods.

All is quite,
All is right,
All is real,
Thinking. Still
I have arrived and up I climb into the stand.
Waiting for movement as time passes, then
the deer whistle.
The mother with her
two fawns have came for a visit.
I barely can see them but
make their shadows out in the dark.

I watch and listen to Gods beautiful creation.

As it gets lighter I see the
great buck, the trophy.
I try to call him over with my
deer call while
meandering through the field,
then he spots the doe.
Running towards me he chases the doe
The safety comes off the gun as I raise the gun to the

Don’t flinch I think
Dont think
Aim small miss small

As the gunpowder clears I see what a beast it was
Big Buck Down.
12 pointer at least.
It is one for the wall.
It is one for the freezer.

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