Little Houses | Teen Ink

Little Houses

April 28, 2015
By slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Pain, that was not yet the pain of love, fretted his heart.

Little houses, up and down the street

little houses, all move to the same beat.

Little houses, have one brown door
little houses, and strangely similar contours.

Little houses, all white with two windows
little houses, all speak the same lingo.

Little houses, brown chimneys with forty-two bricks
little houses, no making your pick.

Little houses, one may be pink???!
little houses, that's what so stinks.

Little houses, the pink one's doors are two
little houses, we'll have to stage a coup.

Little houses, the pink one's stories are three
little houses, no being different, without paying a fee.

Little houses, stomp angrily about
little houses, the pink one must be wiped out.

Little houses, blinded by fear
little houses, ignored their own tears.

Little houses, tromping on pink's lawn
little houses, perfect one to feed on.

Little houses, wrongfully convicting
little houses, unfairly restricting.

Little houses, now pink is all gone
little houses, now the rest can carry on.



And so Prometheus sleeps, denied identity,
the little houses rejoice: gone is their jealousy.

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