Like a Rhino | Teen Ink

Like a Rhino

May 1, 2015
By thomas prince SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
thomas prince SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rhino
And loving
he destroys anything in his path
He protects his family
He loves his wife
And destroys his enemy's
The rhino is made of armor
And has a sharp horn
And eats 73 pounds of spinach
Before every attack
Just like the cartoons
thought of as fictional
but real as can be
they are very strong
in a way they work out all day long
He will fight
He will hunt
He will protect his family
He will destroy anything
Anything at all
In A Way the rhino is
Like a knight
In dull dusty armor
That protects his master
And destroys his opponent
Running at speeds up to 40 mph
He will destroy anything in his path
Just like a Rhinoceros
and a man we all look up to

The author's comments:

Its sorta based on my favorite teacher

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