That First Look | Teen Ink

That First Look

May 1, 2015
By LightOfTheWorld BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
LightOfTheWorld BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." –Jane Austen

When you look at me,
what do you see?
Some may say
a try hard, a nerd,
The innocent one.
But what if that isn’t
what I want you to see?
We all have layers
to our own personalities and lives,
so maybe it’s the inside layer
that I want people to see,
but for some reason,
they just can’t get by that first look.
We all want to be accepted,
but every school has cliques-
the jocks, the hotheads,
the outcasts, the populars, the nerds.
Each and every one of us
has been thrown into a group,
just assumed that we will fit right in,
no questions asked.
But what if we don’t like it?
What if we want to be in one area,
but due to everyone’s assumption,
we’re thrown into a different area,
like a rag doll,
unable to stop what society chooses us to be.
And what determines societies choice for us?
People will put a label based on stuff
that can be as dumb as clothes,
or what parents do or have done.
Do we ever consider the damage?
We never know what goes on in everybody's life,
or what troubles they go through.
And we never know if an unnecessary,
rude comment can be the last shove
someone needs to think that
the only way to have peace is with
a bullet through their tormented mind.
Instead of this,
we should think of the positive qualities of a person,
calling them smart, nice or helpful.
Anywhere you go,
everyone justs wants to be accepted.
Not from what we wear or
what our friends and families do,
but based on what WE do,
and who we are.
So now tell me,
what do you see?

The author's comments:

People are a very judgemental race of creatures. We see something in someone and want to crush it. I've gone through quite a few experiences of this myself and just need to say to whoever reads this, you are beautiful. Don't let anyone crush your spirits because without you, this World would be a whole lot darker. So be a light.

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