Where I'm From ? | Teen Ink

Where I'm From ?

May 6, 2015
By jasminemarie118 BRONZE, South Cairo, New York
jasminemarie118 BRONZE, South Cairo, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not make permanent decisions on temporary feelings"

There's no beginning to the story you want me to relay to you,
I only hope and dream you understand the struggle that I go through,
Some in which you can't see with the naked eye,
Pushing everyday just to try and make it by,
but, As a teen what could I possibly deal with ?
Most of you think it doesn't mean s***,
but, The tears that I have shed,
Late nights, alone in my bed,
All the time in the world with these thoughts in my brain,
Live an hour in my shoes, as well you'd go insane.
My life is too complicated to lay them down on these lines,
And the more I go on my anger will only rise,
So, I leave you with this single thought in YOUR head,
My veins run cold, but my heart beats red.

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