will i forget the color of your nipples? | Teen Ink

will i forget the color of your nipples?

May 20, 2015
By natalie.schlosberg PLATINUM, Hastings-On-Hudson, New York
natalie.schlosberg PLATINUM, Hastings-On-Hudson, New York
30 articles 0 photos 6 comments

as well as other class-one drugs you give on Christmas eve?
make me trace our names in midnight milk and cream?
will i be forgetting,
into the spaces typed b e t w e e n us?
46 hours and 32 minutes into the semester and
your zip code had been 10570 when you paid dues in April
I’ll wait until the winter, I said
but 46 hours and 32 minutes into the semester and
I’ve got your ink between my nails and some green string sewn through my vital organs
(this is a coincidence, I swear)
It’s alright to be smiling under water,
wait to drown and kiss the floor.
(isn’t that what you want me to pretend?)
when I was 15 I demanded of my lungs;
how many can I smoke in a month?
less than one without you has passed and I learned
that it depends
on that specific day in time,
which one of us I hate more
in the meantime I’ll pull on words
-15,660 minutes by leather soles-
-2 transfers and 18 hours by the bus we used to inhabit-
-$237.46 by 30,000 feet above your paintings
inhabited by other girls’ right armpit freckles
in which I am still writing, still writing, still bleeding, the story laced of us-

and untangle your lips into a distant concept
(I think I’ll walk by foot)
I think by now,
First Love,
I have forgotten the color of your nipples.

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