Family Is Forever | Teen Ink

Family Is Forever

June 1, 2015
By Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life like Emma Dalton.

Family is the one thing in life that everyone
should know and have. That loves you
and accepts you no matter what.

Love is the most needed thing in life,
from a wife and husband, but especially
from your birth family.

Your sister, father, mother, cousins and
grandparents. We all need love no
matter, through thick and thin.

We need trust, love, faith, and
trust, always. Since the day of
birth to the day of your funeral.

There will always be your family
that cares for you no matter what. That disciplines
you when you need it the most.

That acts like they love you, without abusing
you, but making you realize what is right and wrong.
Making you choose what is the right thing.

Family wants what is best for you, they want
what is right for you, what is the best thing
for you.

Family is there for you, through thick and
thin, through sickness and in health, through
good and bad.

Within the regrets or the memories, or the bad
choices and the good choices, always there
for you, always and forever.

Family is forever. 

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