What Is Love? | Teen Ink

What Is Love?

June 1, 2015
By Celina Farin BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Celina Farin BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love can be a beautiful thing,
even if it’s as simple as a “fling”.


It makes you smile and blush a deep red,
or it can make you cry while curled up in bed.


It changes who you are, sometimes for the best.
But can cause you to be stay up at night, when you are just looking for rest.


Suddenly the person you love makes you dazed,
unable to see the truth that this is only a phase.


It’s only a myth, love is not real.
It plays with your mind and forces you to feel.


If only I had realized that before I fell,
love is the only true story I’m not able to tell.

The author's comments:

My perception of love 

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