The Thousands That Died | Teen Ink

The Thousands That Died

June 4, 2015
By AJ Ferrara BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
AJ Ferrara BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The white of the stars.
The red of the bars.
The plans in cigars.
The battle is ours.

The white of the lights.
The red of the stripes.
The minie ball snipes.
The Confederate gripes.

The Tom’s did unearth
The shackles of birth,
The color of worth,
The brotherly dearth.

The blood on the soil.
The liberty’s foil.
The crop they did toil.
The Gettysburg boil.

The Jackson’s a wall.
The Union will fall.
The Grant and Lee brawl.
The once and for all.

The Sumter; the fight.
The day through the night.
The prejudice blight.
The black and the white.

The blood has now dried
The bayonets tied.
The Confederates cried.
The thousands that died.

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