The Tracks | Teen Ink

The Tracks

June 17, 2015
By BayleeBosma BRONZE, Vernon, New Jersey
BayleeBosma BRONZE, Vernon, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am hidden from the world
Nothing of me to be seen
As if I was invisible
Frankly, I might as well be

Walking on the tracks
Praying a train will come by
Not so I could die
But only to see my life flash before my eyes

I want to remember the good memories
From when I was young
When everyone was the same
When No one knew whether you were attractive or not
We were all Perfect in our own way

But now people see none of the you inside
They see what they want to see
If you are ugly or pretty

Now as I stand on the tracks
I see the bright lights heading towards me
I do not move
But I do not stay

I only wait long enough to see me
At the age of 5
During the flashing of life before my eyes

People fought to sit next to me at lunch
Even though my eyes were too close to my nose
And My hair was red like a tomato
no one cared

I jumped out of the way of the train crying
Not because I was in shock
But because what happened when I was 5
Will never happen again

The author's comments:

As a thirteen year old student in middle school, I have experienced bullying. I think keeping innocence for as long as possible is a necessity. And this is a poem about how bullying causes you to lose this innocence in one of the worst ways possible.

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