Subtle Observations | Teen Ink

Subtle Observations

June 22, 2015
By journeytopluto GOLD, Belle Mead, New Jersey
journeytopluto GOLD, Belle Mead, New Jersey
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Here's looking at you, kid," - Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock

I never really understood poetry
with Mary and her secret love affair with a lamb
and with Humpty who fell off the wall
honestly I thought that poems and rhymes were a waste of my time.

then I saw you
and till this day I never really understood how you always tapped your foot, and how you always held your coffee mug a little slanted, and I was always scared that it was going to burn you. but it never did.

you truly fascinated me, in the most spiritual way and I just had to talk to you or I'd die.
and so I walked over.

I didn't even introduce myself when I sat down. All I asked was, "do you write poetry," and you answered with the simplest yes. you then asked me if I wrote poetry too, and I shook my head saying I never really understood it.

I never really expected my heart to jump out of my chest when I saw your pink lips stretch into a full grin, and it fascinated me in how your top teeth were perfect straight, but your bottoms were crooked. and how you kept on tilting your coffee mug, and how I just realized you had four freckles making some sort of constellation on the bridge of your nose.

you then told me about how people wrote poetry about stars and death and life. and nature and mostly love, and God and the truth that we all know but don't. you told me how poetry is about nothing and everything, but at that point you lost me.

I wondered how poetry could be everything and nothing when you became my poetry.

poetry like the way you tapped your right leg to the beat of Jessie's Girl
poetry like the way the dimple on your left cheek looks like one of the moons craters.
poetry like how your long brown eyelashes hide the cosmos of your green eyes.
poetry like how you throw your head back and laugh as if you just heard the funniest thing
poetry like how you smile with all your teeth and heart, crooked and all.
poetry like how you tilt your coffee mug to the right instinctively.

poetry like how you stopped tapping your foot.
poetry like how you got braces on your bottom teeth.
poetry like how you never smiled anymore.
poetry like how your cosmos look dead.
poetry like how your constellation of freckles disappeared.
poetry like a straight mug of coffee.

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