I'm Not A Pessimist | Teen Ink

I'm Not A Pessimist

August 4, 2015
By SydneyBehlman BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
SydneyBehlman BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life doesn't stop for anybody.

I feel like everybody already is

Who they are supposed to be.

Even though I know this is not true.

I know everyone battles

Their own insecurities.

So why can't I convine myself,

That I am not alone?


Why do I isolate myself?

And tell myself that no matter what I do,

It will never be enough?


The only thing I convince myself of

Is how much everybody hates me,

Of how I must wear my mistakes like a mask,

To let people know the truth.

I convince myself

That I am a sterotype;

A "sad teen with a happy face".


I know I'm more than that,

So why can't I convince myself

That that is enough?


Why do I sit here and write this cliche poetry?

If you can call it that.


I'm not a pessimist.


I'm just scared.

And I am so tired of feeling this way.

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