Phobia | Teen Ink


August 6, 2015
By LondonMurray14 BRONZE, Ben Lomond,
LondonMurray14 BRONZE, Ben Lomond,
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do not observe yourself too much. Do not draw too hasty conclusions form what happens to you; let it simply happen to you.

i stand on a precipice.
the world is laid out before me at impossible angles
and i am told to choose which way to go.
i have no map. no compass. no sense of direction.
just instinct.
which path do i choose?

do i choose the one
that runs in a straight line to the end of infinity.
no bends. no breaks. no obstacles to be seen.

do i choose the one
that twists and turns to an indiscernible end.
all bends. no breaks. impossible obstacles.

do i choose the one
less traveled by like all those before me
unknown bends. unknown breaks. unknown obstacles.

do i choose the one
that ends at my feet and travels no further.
no bends. one break. and nothing more.

i choose
i choose
i choose
i choose
i choose
i choose

the precipice crumbles beneath my feet and i am left
with no choice at all.

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