My Last Cigarette, Please | Teen Ink

My Last Cigarette, Please

August 28, 2015
By Nadia.A PLATINUM, North Vancouver, Other
Nadia.A PLATINUM, North Vancouver, Other
24 articles 1 photo 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Find what you love and let it kill you." -Charles Bukowski

Smoke filled air and

rotten lungs,

bleeding wrists everything


apart, what is the point

when there's nothing I can do?

you're gone

it's out of my control

out of

my sweaty desperate hands-

they can't piece this together what

happened to forever

you said so,

you said

nothing could ever change.


naive and ignorant, oblivious


what more did I need?

a blow to my stomach

knocks to my head

posters held parading to my

footsteps but nothing would have 


'cause sometimes

it's not up to you.

there's nothing you can do.

I know that, now.

But please, don't paint illusions

of daisy meadows

sunshine skies

green grass growing

laughing kids running-

let me be

let me spoil my lungs

let me smoke my cigarette in hopes

that it wil be the last.

just let me,


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