Where I'm from | Teen Ink

Where I'm from

September 16, 2015
By dyllan56 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
dyllan56 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from military backgrounds, generation to generation.
From a father just coming home.
From a sergeant, proud and done.
Watching the stage his young tired son.

I’m from a job with long hours to prove commitment.
I’m on time and work for my wage hard working.
I’m searching for a new job as the field grows and grows.

I am from precious memories of a eight year old boy.
From closing a door, on a sister’s hand in the way.
From building a house and falling from ladders.
From injuries that mattered.

I am from a bike taking me to praise.
I’m in a field with a disk to catch on weekends.
I’m now on a court to shoot hoops for practice.

I am from a hostile future, war and chaos.
from a retirement plan of military turning to a pension.
From a sergeant now proud and done.
Watching the stage his young tired son.  

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