Are You Happy Now? | Teen Ink

Are You Happy Now?

September 21, 2015
By Jenny-Jla BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Jenny-Jla BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are you happy
Seeing me like this?
Are you happy
Seeing me break down?
Are you happy
That i am broken?
Are you happy
That I push away kind people’s help?
Are you happy
To see me suffering?
Are you happy
That I had lost everything?
Are you happy
That you are better than me now?

But would you still be smiling
When you receive that invitation?
Would you still be wearing
That smug smile
When you walk pass my body?
Did you realize now
That I,too, am human
Bud did you ever realize that
When I was alive?

haunting, smiling, crying
You live your life seeing only me
Do you feel empty
Now that i’m no longer there?
I’m no longer there,
But you’ll remember me

Please tell me
Are you happy now?

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