Blueberries | Teen Ink


October 1, 2015
By dallasstonge BRONZE, Clawson, Michigan
dallasstonge BRONZE, Clawson, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story" - anonymous

I remember those days so vividly
as if they were yesterday.
Playing on a new team,
but with the same old faces,
and a new crazy coach.

Our jerseys,
blue as blueberries,
looking like a blue smudge as we ran down the turf.
Never won a game those three,
three tortuous seasons.
Some blamed it on the coach,
others on those rotten,
blue-blueberry uniforms.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the uniforms that one my old travel soccer teams had. 

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