Memories | Teen Ink


October 1, 2015
By Christina Liu BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
Christina Liu BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cards.
From birthdays to holidays to vacations
Sit untouched.
Layers of dust collect on the brightly colored paper.

The papers.
Old schoolwork, old tests,
Collected in case I should need them again.
From sixth grade to ninth grade they lay resting at the bottom,
Waiting for the moment they will be used once more.

The letters.
Friendships that died,
Affections that fell flat,
Wait in that drawer,
And will never be forgotten.

The pictures.
School IDs and yearbooks,
My family and pets I’ve lost. 
The pictures may be blurry,
But the memories are not.

My feelings rise and fall,
I’m embarrassed, but grateful,
These are a part of me,
I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

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