Bold and Quintessential | Teen Ink

Bold and Quintessential

October 1, 2015
By anki1525 BRONZE, Bhilai, Other
anki1525 BRONZE, Bhilai, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mystique and Serene
Beautiful and compulsive
God's masterpiece
What makes her so impulsive?

Enthralling and mesmerising
Every time I saw her, she left me gasping
Lit up the world
Like it was the 4th of July.

Her father's angel
So magical and compulsive
Her mother's miracle
What makes her so impulsive?

The peak of perfection
'Driven by Love' was her true reflection
Too many expectations
Too many hopes to carry
Too many smiles dependant
Yet she never complained.

Passion and perseverance
Living every second , every moment
Deciding to not give up and stay
What made her so dull
Why did she live a life in the grey?

Adding sparks and colours to life
Changing and giving people a reason
A reason to live.
Taught them that the greatest pleasure
In life was to just give.

Beautiful and compulsive
What makes her so impulsive?

A thousand voices echoed
A thousand screams turn silent
Jumped and bounced back to her
Submerged her
Hold her back , entangled her.

Tired of finding a break through
Fed up of fixing her crew
She lost her identity, her soul
Searching all corners but running cold

Took up the pen and the paper
Called it a day for her scar and tear
Poured her heart and embraced her cheer
Turned so passionate , sitting at the cliff
With a smirk and a glass of beer

Finally living a life at her rules
Bold and Quintessential
Enjoyed her beer with the added ice
Closed her eyes , sighed , challenged the odds
and simply rolled the dice.

The author's comments:

I was just a mediocre person and suddenly miracle happened and inspired me to a whole new level dispite the fact of how hard her life was.

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