A silent Adieu! | Teen Ink

A silent Adieu!

October 4, 2015
By anki1525 BRONZE, Bhilai, Other
anki1525 BRONZE, Bhilai, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was there
sitting underneath the moonlight
searching for the path to make my dreams come true
Looking for my halo.

You were standing patiently
to stop my tears from rolling
to making my life working living
to underline my importance

You were standing like a street lamp
to shade away the dark
giving a way for the light
helping me choose the right path.

Unconditional love 
Unparalleled care
were something more than just words for you
Closing your eyes,covering your tears
You did not question my happiness for once 
when I set on my journey and bid you a silent Adieu!


The author's comments:

A poem for my mother, celebrating her 48 years of glory and 18 years of sufferings because of me , this is what I wrote when I left for my boarding school.

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