The not so happiest place on earth | Teen Ink

The not so happiest place on earth

October 23, 2015
By anna_the_squirrel SILVER, Vista, CA, California
anna_the_squirrel SILVER, Vista, CA, California
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Her friends had told her about the other people that had gone in after hours. They warned her about them. She knew they were only trying to help her but, she didn't want to listen to them she had been the goody goody for almost her whole life. She wanted to change her image once and for all. She had tried to change it before but now she knew it would change……….!
Once she got inside the park she walked a few steps and the gate slammed behind her, assuring  her that she was going to be there for the rest of the night. She started to look all around. She could see the lamp going on and off in Walt Disney’s old apartment. She then walked a few more steps and saw some Disney characters out of the corner of her eye, she slapped herself to see if she was dreaming but the only thing she was dreaming about was getting out. She ran up ahead a little bit to wake up, but still nothing happened she looked down as she was walking and looked down and saw webbed footprints.     She could hear footsteps behind her. She was terrified and ran into one of the open stores in main street and put racks and racks of clothes in front of the doors to protect her from the characters one of the racks fell on her and wouldn't let her get up she finally used all her strength and threw the rack across the store, got up and ran behind the counter in the back of the store and covered herself in stuffed toys she could hear the doors opening and they came right around the corner she darted out of the store and luckily they left the door right open. She knew what was going to happen.  She started to run as fast  to get away from them.  She knew they were faster and she could hear their footsteps behind her. Donalds quacking.  Mickey and Minnies giggling.  All of them saying, “we love you mia, we want you mia, we need  you mia.”          And in that split second she was in the matterhorn and was strapped down she tried to unlock the seat belt but there was no use of trying to get out now the gates were already closed. she could hear mickey laughing from behind her she could see out of the corner of her eye goofy and daisy sprinting towards her with an ax and a knife.  she knew she wouldn't stand a chance fighting them, she ducked in fear of dying and then she opened her eyes she was somewhere else she looked all around to see if anyone was there then she felt something on her foot then her neck and a match went on right in front and she knew who it was because, who else would have puffy white gloves and a laugh that could break glass.             The match instantly went out, when she realized who it was, and just like that mia was gone. She tried to warn all the other children that came in after hours like her, but the gate slammed behind them before she could help them.  They made her one of their own and trained her  to be like them. The next time a little girl came in after hours.  Mia was the one chasing her through disneyland. And pretty soon Mia was training sarah to be like one of them. I guess there was no way out of disneyland, well only if you stay after hours.

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