lose of will | Teen Ink

lose of will

November 4, 2015
By DianaK1228 SILVER, Long Valley, New Jersey
DianaK1228 SILVER, Long Valley, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Its not who created you that's to blame, it's yourself, you created yourself.

Ever loved something so much you live of it?

Ever loved something so much but then loose the will to keep loving it?

Hurts doesnt it?

Thats what happends when you lose so many things.


When life kicks into reality its a fight over winning and giving up. So many people live in a fake world that there mind had created. The pain that hurts the heart and that make your eyes not shine like theyuse to is the pain you get when you live in reality not your mind. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this because the pain I've pushed away for so long is'nt easy to keep pushing away. I loved a sport that I was in love with and now i just like it. I dont enjoy it as much as I use to. I had been doing it since I was 4 years old and im 14 years old about to go to 15 which is good but sad i dont love it anymore. I had the dream with my sport, I had a horse that i no longer have because I left him at my old barn while I moved on to a new barn to ride better. Im happy im riding better abd all but i dont love not having my horse. Thats my pain ive ushed away for so long. He was my best friend and now my heart feels broken without him...

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