Life Story | Teen Ink

Life Story

November 4, 2015
By Caroline.16 GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
Caroline.16 GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A large burden rest upon the wing of a fragile
Bird that is trying to
Correct the bad thing it has
Done to cause all of this.
Everyone seems to
Forget that the bird with a broken mentality is
Going through the worst time; due to the events that
Have happened
In the past month. People keep saying to
Just move on and
Keep going. But all I can say is to
Love the people you have-
Moms,  Dads, Grandparents or siblings
Never let anything get in between you and your
Overall faith.
People can be mean. They are always
trying to become
Queen bees and have high social status.
Recently I’ve been thinking about the past and it comes back like a
Slap in the face.
To think I lost my grandpa one month ago is so crazy, he is my
Umbrella of shelter. Protecting me from the
Vicious, nasty and cruel
World I live in.
XOXO grandpa for
You were my everything. We were A-
Z. Now it’s A and I feel isolated.

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