You Never Knew | Teen Ink

You Never Knew

November 10, 2015
By Resop BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Resop BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I was born sassy,
sassy and stubborn.
Born for a reason
not a discrimination.
Born to life, to live
not to a life not wanting to live.
Everyday goes by thinking,
thinking you can do this
but my mind tells me
to just give up,
give up.
But what’s holding me back.
I know those pills are right there.
That, that blade already has my blood on it.
So why don’t I do it again.
I’ve tried so hard to forget you,
but day after day the pain regains.
Stronger and
I think I’m doing okay,
the next day comes and I’m just starting all over again.
Again with the hate,
and fear,
and sadness.

I like being alone
because that’s all I’m use to,
coming home being that talk back girl,
everyone hates,
just so I can go upstairs,
to be alone because no one cares.
To be the person
wanting to go straight home
to bed
to cry.
The person who all day just wants to break down,
and cry but is to scared to show,
their weakness,
their fear,
and how scared and alone they are.
Holding every last inch of pain bundled up inside.
But soon they are going to break.
Break into a million pieces.
Break in a way they felt was needed.
It may not have been the way you thought.
Because you knew them as the bright and smiley person.
You never thought they could do such harm.
You never knew.
You never knew what they held  inside.
The pain they carried.
High above their shoulders.
A burden following them day after day.
But you’re too far wrapped up in your own self.
Too far into yourself,
to even take one second to care.
To see their pain.
But when you do,
it’ll be too late.

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