I Knew It Was Just The Beginin | Teen Ink

I Knew It Was Just The Beginin

November 18, 2015
By InspiredRhymer BRONZE, Vista, California
InspiredRhymer BRONZE, Vista, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rollin down the street
Wearing all Red with gold

homies in the backseat
can't do nothing bad cuz he on Parole

guys come up trying to bring the heat
looking at us like their so bold

Next thing i know I see somethin’ Blue
Look even closer I see somethin’ poppin’ out

We try to let these guys pass through
but they already know what we're really about

I look back and it looks like one guy is pulling something from his shoe
I thought in my mind somethin was goin down no doubt

came back up holdin nothin but a cold  Brew
I was thinking how i should get out

They followed me to this lot
I knew they had in mind of Killin

They had a crazy plan and plot
and came out shootin

I saw a bright white dot
and i knew this was only the beginning

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